Orthodontics is the area within dentistry whose role is to put teeth properly, and to achieve adequate growth of facial bones. So orthodontic treatment not only gets in achieving a beautiful smile,  also of an improvement in the appearance a  facial and dental harmony with proper chewing.

Any patient can benefit from orthodontic treatment once established objectives that vary depending on their age. As children primarily alterations in the growth of the jaw bones, severe dental problems and oral habits (finger sucking, incorrect swallowing, oral breathing, etc.) are treated. Early detection is very important for proper correction, taking advantage of a child's growth.

During adolescence it is when the dental problems such as overcrowding and are normally corrected malpositions teeth and bite. So it is the ideal time to act on the teeth, but the problems of bone type should be treated at an earlier age. Hence the importance of determining what is the ideal place to start orthodontic treatment time.

During adulthood are many patients who choose to be treated as notice that their teeth are crowding as the years pass, making it difficult oral hygiene and appearing malpositions there was before. Because of this, many people who choose to be at this age, with excellent results.

Unlike children, we can not act on bone problems since there is no growth. This will require support for surgery in some cases. Orthodontic treatment get reposition the teeth and also provide dental hygiene and conservation in the future. Please come to Las Palmeras Dental Clinic , we will be willing to help.

Orthodontisc Benalmádena


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